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Q: The name of the family of shapes that have the same cross section throughout their length?
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What is the name of shapes which have the same cross section throughout their length?

a prism

How differentiate between 2d and 3d shapes?

2d shapes only have length and width, while 3d shapes have length, width and depth.

What shapes have exactly one plane of symmetry?

Shapes with an irregular cross-section.

Dimensions of 2D shapes?

The 2 dimensions of 2d shapes and length and breadth.

What is the area of shapes?

You multiply the width with the length.

What 3d shapes are being described?

Shapes that have length, width and depth are considered to be 3 dimensional

What are the dimensions of 3D shapes?

3D shapes have three dimensions, namely length, breadth and height.

What is the difference between two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional shapes?

The difference is that two-dimensional shapes have a length and a width while three-dimensional shapes have a length, width, and depth. While some examples of two-dimensional shapes are circle, rectangle, and triangle, example of three-dimensional figures are a sphere, cuboid, and a pyramid.

How are shapes and form classified?

Shapes are two dimensional; that is, they have length and height, like a square. Forms are three dimensional; they have length width and height, like a cube.

What are three-dimensional shapes?

Three dimensional shapes are shapes with height, width, and depth. In contrast, two dimensional shapes only have height and width, or length and width.

What has length width but no depth shape?

They are 2 dimensional shapes that only have length and width.

What shapes have four sides of equal length?
