I think you mean: Are any three points contained in exactly one plane?
only if they're not collinear... I think
one plane LINE
In plane geometry there is exactly one straight line through two points. There can be any number of curved lines.
Three points determine exactly one plane.That means that if you bring me a plane, then some or all of my three points may ormay not lie in your plane. But if you bring me three points, then I can always draw aplane in which all of your points lie, and I can also guarantee that it's the only one.By the way ... three points also determine exactly one circle.
No, that isn't possible.
Collinear points
one plane LINE
In plane geometry there is exactly one straight line through two points. There can be any number of curved lines.
between two point there is exactly one line between three points there is exactly one plane
No. The tiniest piece of a plane contains an infinite number of points. But if you give us just three points, then we know exactly what plane you're talking about, and it can't be any other plane.
Three points determine exactly one plane.That means that if you bring me a plane, then some or all of my three points may ormay not lie in your plane. But if you bring me three points, then I can always draw aplane in which all of your points lie, and I can also guarantee that it's the only one.By the way ... three points also determine exactly one circle.
No, that isn't possible.
yes if it is a square of recatgle
There are an infinite number of any kind of points in any plane. But once you have three ( 3 ) non-collinear points, you know exactly which plane they're in, because there's no other plane that contains the same three non-collinear points.
If you are given a plane, you can always find and number of points that are not in that plane but, given anythree points there is always at least one plane that goes through all three.