A triangular bipryramid (two triangular pyramids stuck together on one face), a parallelepiped (like a squished cuboid), a pentagonal pyramid.
A cube or rectangular prism are special cases of a parallelepiped.
There are infinitely many shapes that do.
Such a shape does not exits. See the attached link for all 3d shapes with 6 plane faces.
Polyhedra (singular = polyhedron).
triangular pyramid and cube.
6 faces, 12 edges
3d shapes with six faces are called hexahedra.
A cube has 6 faces
A triangular prism, which has 6 vertices and 5 faces.
no. a 2d square has only 1 face but a 3d square (cube) has 6 faces.
There are infinitely many shapes that do.
Hexagonal prism has percandicular faces
Such a shape does not exits. See the attached link for all 3d shapes with 6 plane faces.
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There are an infinite number of 3d shapes with more than 20 faces.
A tetrahedron (4 faces) and an icosahedron (20).