it looks like a square but has two short sides (the same size) and two long sides (also the same size)
A parallelogram looks like a squashed over rectangle.
It would have to be either a Parallelogram or a Trapezoid, both are Quadrilaterals. The rectangle is a type of Parallelogram.
it looks like a rectangle in the middle of two circles. the first circle is on the top of the rectangle other circle is on the bottom
A 90-degree angle looks like one corner of a square or a rectangle.
A tetrahedron has 4 faces but it doesn't look like a rectangle standing up. It is formed by 4 triangular faces.
A parallelogram looks like a squashed over rectangle.
A smooth brick.
A quadrilateral looks like any 4 sided shape such as a square or a rectangle.
I think you mean parallelogram. Parallelogram look like a rectangle but it looks slanted rectangle. __________________ /_________________/ ^^that is parallelogram ^^
in the space that looks like a rectangle
I think it is Rhombus
It looks like a rectangle
a square has equal sides and looks sort of like this like this _ l_l and a rectangle is this ____ l ____l
in the space that looks like a rectangle
It is a parallelogram.
it looks like a rectangle with to of the points/vertices caved in