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Q: What angle produces greatest range?
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How the angle of projection affect the range of the projectile?

Without considering any effects of air resistance and wind, the angle of projection that delivers the greatest horizontal range is 45 degrees above the horizon. Anything different ... either more or less than 45 degrees ... reduces the range.

When is the angle of incidence in the greatest?

Angle of incident is greatest when the light rays is almost parallel to the surface it hits.

The range of projectile is maximum when the angle of projection is?

The range of projectile is maximum when the angle of projection is 45 Degrees.

How many the range of projectile is maximum when it is projected at an angle?

At 45° angle.

When the angle of a joint increases it produces movement Which type of movement is it?

When the angle of a joint increases, it produces flexion movement. Flexion is the bending movement that decreases the angle between body parts at a joint.

What is the supplement of a 84 degree angle?

A supplementary angle is the angle which produces a straight line of 180° when added to the given angle. To find the supplementary angle, subtract 84° from 180°. The answer will be 96°.

Which organ or glands produces the greatest number of different digestive enzymes?

It is an organ and not a gland that produces the greatest number of different digestive enzymes. This organ is the pancreas.

What direction of rotation produces a negative measure of an angle?


What angle for firing projectiles gives the longest range?

It depends on the weapon. A rifle will have a very low angle--maybe ten degrees. A mortar needs a very high angle to give a good range. And a howitzer needs about a 45 degree angle to give long range.

What is The range of a acute angle?

>0 and

Angle range of an obtuse angle?

An obtuse angle can be anywhere over 90 and below 180 degrees.

Right triangle 140 degree angle?

In a right triangle the greatest angle is 90 degrees.