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Q: What are 6 mile by 6 mile square areas consisting of 36 sections one set aside for public schools called?
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What was the six mile by six mile square areas consisting of thirty six sections of of which was set aside for public schools?


How is public school different from non public schools?

In the U.S. public schools are free and non public (private) schools are not. In Great Britain, some schools we in the U.S. would call private schools are called public schools.

Why are private schools called public?

Private schools are called public in some countries like the UK because they are open to the public, but require payment for attendance. The term "public" distinguishes them from schools that are exclusive to certain groups, such as religious or military institutions.

Did napoleon create public schools?

Yes, Napoleon introduced public-run schools, called Lycees.

How many Sections were for education in the Land Ordinance of 1785?

1/4 of the territory was made for public buildings such as schools.

The morning session in Costa Rica's public schools is Called afternoon shift?

The morning session in Costa Rica's public schools is called "turno matutino." The evening shift is called "turno vespertino."

Did Harry Styles go to public schools?

No, Harry Styles did not go to public schools.

Does Switzerland have public schools?

most of the schools are public

Are online schools better than public schools or are public schools easier than online schools why?

The effectiveness of online versus public schools can vary depending on individual preferences, learning styles, and needs. Online schools offer flexibility and personalized learning, whereas public schools provide social interaction and extracurricular opportunities. Both have their advantages and challenges, and the suitability of each option depends on the student's unique circumstances.

Do public schools wear uniform?

Most public schools dont, but in some schools they do.

Are Public Schools Free?

Yes public schools are free.

Are classes in dietetics offers in public schools?

Unfortunately, classes in dietetics are rarely found in public schools. Everything related to wellness is lumped under one class called "Health".