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cushions,mirrors,windows,mats and a laptop

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Q: What are common objects around your house shaped like squares?
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What are common objects around your house shaped like hexagons?

your mums head look properly

What are common objects around your house shaped like octagons?

Table, cool chairs, patterns in your carpets or wallpapers, or playtime blocks for a child.

What Common objects shaped like a trapezoid?

the windshield on a car

What is an elliptical base?

An elliptical base is a base that is shaped like a flattened circle. This is most common on objects that are cone shaped.

What are common objects shaped like a rectangular prism?

a box ceareal box printers

What objects are shaped like a oval?

Some objects that are shaped like an oval include eggs and footballs.

What objects are shape like a pyramid?

Objects that are shaped like a pyramid have a polygonal base, typically a triangle, that narrows to a single point called the apex. Common examples of pyramid-shaped objects include the Great Pyramid of Giza, a pyramid-shaped building or structure, and a pyramid-shaped mountain or hill. In geometry, a pyramid is a polyhedron formed by connecting a polygonal base and the apex with triangular faces.

What two states are shaped like squares?

colorado and wyoming

What are shaped like a triangle?

Triangles are generally shaped like triangles. Squares do not fit this description as they are generally categorized as squares. Circles have no sides, so they are also not triangles. Most things with three sides are triangle-shaped. Hope this helps.

What other objects are shaped like pyramids around your house?

Christmas trees, pyramid on the dollar bill, roovws

What are Aliens plus U.F.O?

Aliens are alleged beings from another planet and they fly in these disc shaped or triangle shaped objects in the sky, known as UFOS- (Unidentified Flying Objects). A lot of people don't believe in these aliens but I do. The evidence is all around.......

Objects shaped like a square pyramid?

Objects shaped like a square pyramid are polyhedrons with a square base and triangular sides that meet at a common vertex. These objects have five faces: one square base and four triangular faces. Examples of objects shaped like a square pyramid include the pyramids of Egypt and the roof of some buildings.