

Best Answer

Christmas trees, pyramid on the dollar bill, roovws

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Q: What other objects are shaped like pyramids around your house?
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What are common objects around your house shaped like hexagons?

your mums head look properly

What are common objects around your house shaped like squares?

cushions,mirrors,windows,mats and a laptop

What things are shaped like a pentagonal pyramid?

Pyramids are often thought of as the tombs in ancient Egypt.

What are common objects around your house shaped like octagons?

Table, cool chairs, patterns in your carpets or wallpapers, or playtime blocks for a child.

What objects around the house shape like a cube?


What objects would be a cuboid around the house?

Packet of perfume.

What do you call a ghost that throws objects around the house?

you call it an a$$ hole

What are items around the house shaped like a pentagon?

The items around the house that are shaped like a pentagon will vary depending on what is in your house. Some common examples are table lamp bases, some wristwatches, the pattern on a soccer ball, the tops of keys, etc.

Are there pyramids and prisms in a house?

i am not sure.

What are some examples of rectangular pyramids?

The roof of your House

Why is a dome shaped house more heat efficient than a rectangular house?

A dome-shaped house has a smaller surface area compared to a rectangular house, which reduces heat loss. Additionally, the rounded structure of a dome allows for better airflow circulation, improving temperature regulation and energy efficiency. Lastly, the dome's curved shape helps distribute heat more evenly throughout the interior of the house.

Why were the pyramids actually built?

The pyramids were built to house the mummies of Egyptian pharaohs. The Egyptians believed that the pyramids would help the pharaohs move onto the next stage of life.