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Q: What are lines connecting points of equal wind speed called?
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What are lines connecting points of equal height called?

Contour lines.

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What lines connect points of equal temperature?

On a Weather Map, the lines connecting points of equal temperature are called Isotherms.Similarly, the lines that connect points of equal barometric pressure are called Isobars.

What are connected points of equal temperature?

On a Weather Map, the lines connecting points of equal temperature are called Isotherms.Similarly, the lines that connect points of equal barometric pressure are called Isobars.

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What connects point of equal temperature?

On a Weather Map, the lines connecting points of equal temperature are called Isotherms.Similarly, the lines that connect points of equal barometric pressure are called Isobars.

What are line connecting points of equal temperature?

Lines connecting points of equal temperature are called isotherms. Isotherms help to visualize temperature distribution across a surface or within a system, with the lines connecting points that have the same temperature. This helps in understanding patterns of temperature variation in a specific area.

What are lines on a map connecting places having equal humidity called?

Lines on a map connecting places with equal humidity are called isohyets.

What are the lines connecting points of equal temperature on a weather map true?

Lines connecting points of equal temperature on a weather map are called isotherms. These lines help to visually represent temperature gradients across a geographic area. The spacing between isotherms can indicate the rate at which temperatures change from one location to another.

Is Rainfall on a map shown by isobronts?

No, rainfall on a map is typically shown by isohyets, which are lines connecting points of equal rainfall amounts. Isobronts are lines connecting points of equal time at which rain began falling.

What are lines on a map connecting places having equal rainfall called?

Lines on a map connecting places with equal rainfall are called isohyets. These lines help depict variations in rainfall across different regions.

Lines connecting all points at the same elevation on a contour map are called?

Contour lines.