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Q: What are lines connecting points of equal chemical concentration called?
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What are lines connecting points of equal height called?

Contour lines.

What is a line connecting points on a coordinate grid called?

x and y axis

What line connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure?

That's called an isobar.

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What are connected points of equal temperature?

On a Weather Map, the lines connecting points of equal temperature are called Isotherms.Similarly, the lines that connect points of equal barometric pressure are called Isobars.

What lines connect points of equal temperature?

On a Weather Map, the lines connecting points of equal temperature are called Isotherms.Similarly, the lines that connect points of equal barometric pressure are called Isobars.

Lines connecting all points at the same elevation on a contour map are called?

Contour lines.

What connects point of equal temperature?

On a Weather Map, the lines connecting points of equal temperature are called Isotherms.Similarly, the lines that connect points of equal barometric pressure are called Isobars.

What is a part of a circle between two points on the circle?

The line connecting the points is called a chord; the part of the perimeter of the circle enclosed is called an arc; the area between an arc and the chord is called a circular segment.

What is a line joining two points on the circle?

A straight line connecting two points on a circle is a "Chord". If the chord goes through the center of the circle, it is called, "Diameter".