An obtuse angle is an angle more than 90 degrees. An acute angle is an angle less than 90 degrees, and a right angle is a 90 degree angle.
No it is impossible a triangle can have: 3 acute angles 1 right and 2 acute angles 1 obtuse and 2 acute angles
NO!!! All four angles are right-angles (90 degrees) The word 'rectangle' means -right-angled quadrilateral.
It is a right angle
INCORRECT: No because there is a obtuse triangle and a right triangleCORRECT ANSWERYes all triangles have at least two acute angles. Obtuse triangles and right triangles also have at least two acute angles. They are called obtuse triangles and right triangles because by definition they are triangles with ONE obtuse angle and ONE right angle. So therefore they both have 2 acute angles. Also for an acute triangle, it would have 3 acute angles.
acute and obtuse.
It can have 0 or 2 right angles, 1 or 2 acute or obtuse angles.
there are 4 types of common angles. right, obtuse, acute, and straight.
A trapezoid contains either:two acute angles and two obtuse angles orone acute angle, one obtuse angle and two right angles.
acute<90 right=90 obtuse>90
* Acute * obtuse * right
No it is impossible a triangle can have: 3 acute angles 1 right and 2 acute angles 1 obtuse and 2 acute angles
Obtuse angles.Another Answer:-If it is a regular hexagon then the interior angles are obtuse and the exterior angles are acute which are 120 and 60 degrees respectively
acute angles are angles under 45 degrees obtuse angle are angles over 45 degrees and right angles are ONLY 45 degrees
None. An acute triangle is one in which all angles are acute. An obtuse triangle is one in which one of the angles is obtuse. A right angled triangle is one in which one angle is a right angle (90o)