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Obtuse angles.

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If it is a regular hexagon then the interior angles are obtuse and the exterior angles are acute which are 120 and 60 degrees respectively

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Q: Are the Hexagon angles acute or obtuse or right?
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Are the angles on a hexagon acute obtuse or right?


How many right acute and obtuse angles does a hexagon have?

If it is a 'regular' hexagon, then all angles are congruent, and all are obtuse.

How many acute angles are in a hexagon?

None. Though there can be ten if the hexagons are concave hexagons.

Is the angles on a hexagon acute right angle or obtuse?

An angle in a hexagon can have any value at all. It can be acute, a right angle, an obtuse angle or even a reflex angle.

Is a hexagon an obtuse anglea acute angle or a right angle?

A regular 6 sided hexagon has 6 interior obtuse angles each measuring 120 degrees

How do you draw a hexagon that has 2 right angles 2 acute and 2 obtuse?

If 1 or 2 of the obtuse angles are 'bent into' the hexagon then you can do it.A hexagon has 720° sum of interior angles. If you have 2 right angles, then that's 180°, leaving 540° to be distributed over four angles. If the two acute angles are 89°, then that leaves 362° to be divided between two angles, so at least one of these two angles will need to be greater than 180°. Below is my text graphics attempt of one possibility (ignore the 'dot'). Note that both of the obtuse angles are greater than 180°:|\_/||__.|Look at the related link to play with different angle possibilities for polygons.

Are the angels inside a reguler hexagon all obtuse right angels or acute?

A regular hexagon has 6 equal interior obtuse angles each measuring 120 degrees

How many right and obtuse angles make up a hexagon?

There can be 0 to 5 right angles, or 1 to 6 obtuse angles in a hexagon.

Do parallelograms have acute obtuse or right angles?

acute and obtuse.

How many right acute and obtuse angles does a trapezoid have?

It can have 0 or 2 right angles, 1 or 2 acute or obtuse angles.

Are angles acute or obtuse?

there are 4 types of common angles. right, obtuse, acute, and straight.

Is a trapezold a acute obtuse or right angle?

A trapezoid contains either:two acute angles and two obtuse angles orone acute angle, one obtuse angle and two right angles.