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Q: What are the applications of triangles in daily life?
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Use of similar triangles in daily life?

There are many uses of similar triangles in daily life. These triangles can create the symmetry in art and other aspects that they enjoy.

What are uses of similar triangles in daily life?

Similar triangles can be used in many situations in which angles of two differently-sized triangles are the same. Optics, scale modeling,trigonometry, surveying, astronomy, and many, many other applications of mathematics rely on the concept of similarity.

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How triangles used in daily life?

Aren't triangles structurally strong? So they are used in bridges and architechture.

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Can you suggest some applications of triangles in your daily life?

One of the most common would be the roof of most homes and many buildings. The rafters of the roof form a triangle, and most have smaller triangles as part of the supporting structure to hold the roof up, and withstand wind, snow load, and other external forces.

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fun facts that it can make my daily life better !! like doing every choire in the house .

What are applications of snowflake in your daily life?

they are used to decorate your house so as to look more beautiful