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There are several: hyperbolic, elliptic and projective are three geometries.

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Q: What are the names of two types of non-Euclidean geometries?
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What are two types of Non-Euclidean Geometries?

The 2 types of non-Euclidean geometries are hyperbolic geometry and ellptic geometry.

What are the names of Non Euclidean Geometries?

There are two non-Euclidean geometries: hyperbolic geometry and ellptic geometry.

What are the names of Non-Euclidean Geometries?

Answer The two commonly mentioned non-Euclidean geometries are hyperbolic geometry and elliptic geometry. If one takes "non-Euclidean geometry" to mean a geometry satisfying all of Euclid's postulates but the parallel postulate, these are the two possible geometries.

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A Plane triangle cannot have parallel sides. A triangle on a sphere, represented in Mercator projection may do so, but that still does not make it so, for that is in spherical geometry. And there are other geometries than Euclidean (plane). Hyperbolic Geometry and Elliptic Geometry are the names of another two. These geometries are consistent within themselves, but some of the theorems in Euclidean geometry have different answers in these alternate geometries.

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