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Engineering and architecture, for a start. Plus mathematics and physics. Any kind of art or design, including signwriting, product design (cellphones, washing machines, factory machinery, etc), and publishing. I'm sure there are many more...

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Q: What careers use compasses circles and arcs?
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An instrucircles used to construct circles and arcs of circles?

A pair of compasses are use to construct circles and arcs of circles

What professions might require the use of compasses circle and arcs?


A tool to draw circles and arcs?

Use a compass.

What are bow compasses used for?

Bow compasses are used for drawing circles and arcs with consistent radius measurements in various applications such as drafting, technical drawing, and architecture. They consist of two arms joined with a pivot point and are adjusted to the desired radius before tracing the circle or arc.

In metalworking what do you use a divider for?

used for marking out circles and arcs on metal

Divide a circle into 12 equal parts?

Use a pair of compasses to draw a circle. Without changing the compasses, place the point of the compasses on the circumference and draw a small arc such that it intersects the circumference. Put the point on this intersection and repeat until you have 6 equally spaced "intersections". Select 2 adjacent intersections and, from each of them, draw an arc outside the circumference such that the 2 arcs intersect. Draw a line from this intersection to the centre of the circle. This line intersects the circumference halfway between the adjacent points. With the compasses set to the original radius of the circle (it's better to leave them fixed at this throughout!) place the compasses' point on the intersection of the straight line and the circumference then draw a series of arcs, as you did originally. These will complete the division by 12

What does a maths compass do?

the compass of math is used in making arcs and circles. with the use of a compass, a person can draw an axact circle where the points on the circle are equidistant from the center.

Why people use compasses?

people uses compasses because it is a very good use of tool that tells you where to go when you are lost.

What property do compasses use?

They use the fact that the earth acts as a giant magnet so that compasses point towards the north pole.

Do compasses use electromagnets?

Yes, compasses use a magnetic needle that aligns with the Earth's magnetic field. The needle itself is not an electromagnet, but it relies on the Earth's magnetic field to point towards the magnetic north pole.

What do Muslims use compasses for?

Muslims use specialized compasses for locating the direction of Kabatullah (the Ka'aba in Mecca) at the time of offering Namaaz (Prayer/Supplication).

What do you us a compass for?

A magnetic compass is used to find direction and (hopefully) gain orientation. A compass used for drafting or drawing is used in the construction of circles or circular arcs. Use the links below for more pawn