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Q: What country has the same name as a farm animal?
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Who is amalla okaro?

amalla okaro is a farm animal. to be more spacific she is Tina the cow, she loves food. she really loves lazagna. that is her favorite food. she goes to garh high whenever they need her for a farm animal experiment. she has other farm animal friends and a farm animal sister that also goes with her to garh whenever the do an experiment. her name is ifeoma okaro. she also has a brother but he is not the same animal as her. he is a goat!!!

What is the connection Animal Farm and Russia in World War 2?

Animal Farm is about the Russain Revolution, which was happening at the same time

Which place or country has same name for a vehicle and an animal?

The U.S., the jaguar is an animal and a car, but since the jaguar is made in England than that would mean England also has a car that has the same name as an animal.

What animal has the same name as Australia?

There is no animal with the same name as Australia.

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The Kannada name for a tiger is "ಹುಲಿ" (huli), which is the same as the animal name in Kannada.

What is the setting of Animal Farm and what does it represent?

One setting is Manor Farm, another is Animal Farm. They are the same place, just with two different names. The only difference is that Manor Farm was controlled by humans. But after the animals rebelled against the humans, they renamed their farm, to animal farm. But the main setting is in Russia.

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Animal Crossing: City Folk is the same game as Animal Crossing: Let's Go To The City, because let's go to the city is the Australian and some other country's name, but the Americanized version is Animal Crossing: City Folk. They are the same game, but with different names.

Which animal name rhymes with apple?

animal name that has the same vowel sound of apple.

Which animal has the same name as a Pokemon?

A ferret has the same name as a pokemon. but the pokemons name is spelled furret.

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No animal has exactly the same name as one of Australia's states. However, the Tasmanian Devil is found in Tasmania.

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Jordan is a Middle Eastern country that has the same name as its capital city, Amman.

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