Ah, what a lovely question. A country that is about 500,000 square miles in size is the beautiful country of Spain. Just imagine all the stunning landscapes and vibrant culture that fill up that much space. It's truly a place where you can find inspiration at every turn.
0.193 mi2
1 mile = 1.609344 kilometers 1 square mile = 2.589988 square kilometer 500,000 square miles = 1,294,994 square kilometers (rounded)
500,000 square meters is 123.6 acres or 5,381,955 square feet.
Monte Carlo is not a country.
1 mile is 5280 feet, so a square mile is 5280 x 5280 =27,878,400 ft2 per mile2.500,000 ft2 divided by 27,878,400 ft2 per mile2 = 0.017935 miles2
The nearest to that figure is Peru, at 496000 sq miles.
Type your answer here... Peru
0.193 mi2
1 mile = 1.609344 kilometers 1 square mile = 2.589988 square kilometer 500,000 square miles = 1,294,994 square kilometers (rounded)
Sweden is the largest Scandinavian country in square miles, with a total area of about 173,860 square miles.
√500000 ≈ 707.107
The country of Nigeria has a land area of about 351,649 square miles and a total area of about 356,669 square miles.The country of Venezuela has a land area of about 340,560 square miles and a total area of about 352,140 square miles.
Monaco is a country that is approximately 36 square miles in size. It is a small European country known for its luxurious lifestyle, casinos, and picturesque coastline.
262,000 square miles
The country that is approximately 130 square miles in size is Liechtenstein.
No, of course not! How could it be, this is an idiotic question! How can you even ask that? How could 3.5 be larger then 500000?