The largest country in the world is Russia, with an area of approximately 6.6 million square miles.
Monaco has the second most roads per square mile.
The United States has a land area of approximately 3.8 million square miles, making it the third-largest country by land area. This translates to about 27.8 acres per square mile in the US.
The country that is only one square mile in area is Vatican City, an independent city-state enclaved within Rome, Italy. It is the smallest country in the world both in terms of size and population.
Alaska has the fewest people per square mile in the United States, with a population density of only 1.3 people per square mile.
1 mile = 1.609344 kilometers 1 square mile = 2.589988 square kilometer 500,000 square miles = 1,294,994 square kilometers (rounded)
The nearest to that figure is Peru, at 496000 sq miles.
1 mile is 5280 feet, so a square mile is 5280 x 5280 =27,878,400 ft2 per mile2.500,000 ft2 divided by 27,878,400 ft2 per mile2 = 0.017935 miles2
Egypt, with 200.45 people per square mile.
a square mile
√500000 ≈ 707.107
The country with the highest population density is Monacowith 41,970 people per square mile. The second highest is Singapore with 16,540 people per square mile.
The largest country in the world is Russia, with an area of approximately 6.6 million square miles.
314 510 square mile
Monaco has the second most roads per square mile.
the answer is wales
according to it is Monaco with a population density of 41,970.77 per square mile