the angle that the ball is going and the force that is applied to the ball by the bat
A capital A is usually used as a symbol for area in math.
Math has many values like estimating can help you determine an amount you have to pay.
the answer.
YES. Usually, if you are good at Math, you are not as good at writing because there are many options and creative decisions. In Math there is just ONE correct answer, and that answer only.
One can get geometry help from a number of sources. These include sites such as Math Help, Khan Academy, Math Leage, Go Geometry, The Math Page, and many more.
There is absolutely no math in softball unless you want to be technical about it.
There are tons of sports dealing with math. Soccer, Football, Softball, basicly anything with numbers
You can use it to find a batter's batting average,or just simple math like the bases (first, second,and third).
4 bases 3 outs 2 teams 1 winner
The batting average is math because you have to add, subtract and divide. Another one is how far the bases are back and the pitching mound.
Because you can't just play ball without thinking no player is gonna cheat
Why would you want to know? Haha im just kidding..... I have no clue
By calculating the the speed and the amount of power you put into hitting the ball will determine the distance the ball will travel
math is in softball because when u throw the ball you have to put it at a speed and a angle to throw the ball to the correct spot.Also you have to count up the score and when you're hitting the ball you have to put it at a certaint degree angle and sped so it goes where you want it to go
well do the math it was invented in 1887 so 2010-1887=123 years ago if i am not mistaken
They named it softball because the game of softball was derived from Baseball. The baseball had a hard core whereas the softball has a soft core, so they named it softball. Although the ball is not softball the core of the ball is soft.
Softball is played on a softball field or it is often referred to as a diamond.