The batting average is math because you have to add, subtract and divide. Another one is how far the bases are back and the pitching mound.
"Or" is usually placed between two questions or answers in math when a comparison is involved.
Regrouping in math with decimals simply refers to the term used addition or subtraction when either carrying or borrowing is involved.
Money, but that isn't the only thing.. math is involved with your every day life. Your doing math every day. Whether its counting or just telling time.. you use it everyday! <3 Chae...hope i helped!.
in every science formula and theory there is always math involved. ex: square root, variables
The surface area of a softball with a diameter of 12 is about 452.4 square units.
There is absolutely no math in softball unless you want to be technical about it.
She became a softball player because as a young child she always enjoyed softball
math is involved in everything
There are tons of sports dealing with math. Soccer, Football, Softball, basicly anything with numbers
the angle that the ball is going and the force that is applied to the ball by the bat
There are website online that you can use to create the simplest to the most involved brackets for free. is an example.
You can use it to find a batter's batting average,or just simple math like the bases (first, second,and third).
no math involved
4 bases 3 outs 2 teams 1 winner
The only way math could be involved in barrel racing is if you look at it using physics.
There is no such thing as 'Mormon math'. Mormonism is a religion, and there is no math involved.