A tip or gratuity is an amount of money that is given to a worker such as a waiter or waitress who performs a service for you.
In math terms, pi, means 3.14, which is a everlasting decimal, that is just rounded to make your math easier. So pi, means 3.14 in math terms.
Poly is Latin for many.
Math terms that start with Y are y-axis, y-coordinate, or y-intercept.Also the distance measurement "yard."
thank you When an image or shape finds a reflection of itself to where it is an exact copy of that image or shape.
it is the side of a right angled triangle opposite to the right angle. It is the longest side of a right triangle.
principal(in terms of math)- the amount you borrow or deposit
HL in math mean hypotenuse leg
ask your math teacher
sum means the answer of a math problem
A rhombus.
A number? ^^