24hr = 24 x 3600 seconds
1% = 24 x 36 ie 864 seconds
864 seconds = 14 min 24 sec
1% of 24 hr = 0.24 hr = 14.4 min = 14 min 24 sec
The ancient Greeks used base 6 numbers and thought that the number 6 had some kind of power. This thinking was backed up by the number of days in a year. When the Ancients went about measuring the year, they watched the sun set each day over the horizon. Where it set, it would be marked on a circle. After a while, they noticed that about 360 of these evenly spaced marks would fill up a circle. Any rounding error is because of the power of the number 6 and 6*6=36 and so this was special too and the number of degrees of a circle became 360. 360/24=15degrees => the earth turns 15 degrees in an hour 60 seconds a minute, 60 minutes an hour => 3600 seconds and hour This is also why angles are measure by degrees (o), minutes ('), and seconds ("). 360 degrees is an arbitrary number that (roughly) matches the length of the year by chance. Gradients are another measurement of angle defined as there being 100 (an arbitrary number based on our number system) Gradients in a circle. A better mathematical measurement of angles is radians. There are pi~3.141 radians in a circle.
I think this goes back to ancient Babylonian times. Certainly the idea of a 12 hour day and a 12 hour night is very ancient.
23 times
60 min = 1 hour1 day/night = 24 hours365 days in 1 yearTherefore (ignoring leap-years!): 365 x 24 = 8760 hours x 60 min = 525600 min525600 x 17 years = 8935200 minutes in 17 years.
Oh, dude, it totally depends on the painter's skill level, the size of the area, the type of paint, the weather... like, a million factors. But on average, a pro painter can cover around 8-10 square meters per hour. So, if they work an 8-hour day, that's like 64-80 square meters. But hey, who's counting, right?
There are 86,400 seconds in a day. (24 hours x 60 minutes/hour x 60 seconds/minute). There are 1440 minutes in a day (24 hours x 60 minutes/hour).
There are 24 hours in one day.There are 60 minutes in one hour, 60 (minutes) x 24 (hours) = 1,440 minutes in one day.There are 60 seconds in one minute, 60 (seconds) x 1,440 (minutes) = 86,400 seconds in one day.
60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day
50 minutes per day.
14 minutes 24 seconds.
There are 60 seconds in minute and 60 minutes in hour, So multiply 60 with 60 the answer will be 3600, so there are 3600 second in hour. Now in day there are 24 hours, so multiply 3600 by 24 the answer will be 86400. So there are 86400 seconds in day.
There are 24 hours in a day, so there are 120 hours in 5 days, with no minutes or seconds remaining. To get minutes or seconds in a 5 day period, use what you know about how many minutes in an hour, and how many seconds in a minute.
86400 seconds in a day. This is calculated as (24 hours/day) x (60 minutes/hour) x (60 seconds/minute). The result is 86400 seconds/day.
Days/year * hours/day * minutes/hour * seconds/minutes = seconds/year 365,24*24*60*60 = 31.556.736 seconds in a year
25,920 seconds 60s X 60m X24h X .3 = 25,920s 60 seconds in a minute X 60 minutes in an hour= 3,600 seconds in an hour 3,600 seconds in an hour X 24 hours in a day= 86,400 seconds in a day 86,400 seconds in a day X .3= 25,920 seconds
360 seconds = 360 seconds = 6 minutes = 1/10 hour = 1/240 day
One hour equals 60 minutes, 3600 seconds, or 1/24 of a day.