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That is correct because the surface area of a sphere is: 4*pi*radius squared

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Q: What is 4 times pi times the radius squared is the surface area of a sphere?
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Solid whose surface area is 4pie times the area squared?

The surface area of the 'sphere' is four times the area of a 'great circle',or (4 pi) times the RADIUS squared.

How do you find a sphere surface area where the radius equals 26cm?

The surface area of every sphere is (4 pi) times (the radius squared).Knowing that, you can find the surface area of not only the one you'reasking about right now, but of every sphere that ever was, is, or will be !

Surface area of a sphere?

4 times Pi times radius times radius

What is the surface area of a sphere with radius 4 feet?

Your sphere will have a surface area of about 201 square feet. The formula for finding the surface area (As) of a sphere is 4 times pi times the radius (r) squared, or this: As = 4 x pi x r2 That's As = 4 x 3.14 x 42 = 201.0619298 square feet. A link can be found for more information.

Surface area of cone?

(pi times radius squared) plus (pi times radius times slant).

What happens to the surface area of a sphere if its radius is doubled?

If the radius of a sphere is doubled, the surface area increases by (2)2 = 4 times, and the volume increases by (2)3 = 8 times.

If the radius of a sphere is tripled what is going to happen to surface area?

If the radius of a sphere is tripled, the surface area increases by (3)2 = 9 times, and the volume increases by (3)3 = 27 times.

Formula for surface area of a cylinder?

2 times pi times the radius squared plus 2 times pi times the radius times the height equals surface area of a cylinder :]

Surface area of circle?

Surface area of a circle = pi*radius2

What the formula of sphear?

for the surface area:4 times pie times radius squared for volume:4/3 times pie times radius cubed

If the radius of a sphere is tripled how is the surface area affected?

The surface area of a sphere is directly proportional to the square of its radius. A ∝ r2 r = 3k A ∝ (3k)2 A ∝ 9k2 therefore, the surface area will become 9 times the size