Another way to name polygons is with the number of sides and -gon, so in this case, it would be 94-gon.
A 38-sided polygon is called a triacontakaioctagon. The naming convention for polygons follows the Greek numerical prefixes for the number of sides, in this case "tri" for 3 and "contakai" for 10, along with the suffix "-gon" for polygon. Therefore, a 38-sided polygon is a triacontakaioctagon.
A five sided polygon is called a pentagon because pentagon means five sided polygon I think.
An 11 sided polygon is a hendecagon and a 12 sided polygon is a dodecagon
icosihenagon= 21-sided polygon icosihenagon= 21-sided polygon
The name of a 12 sided polygon is Dodecagon.
The name of a 5 sided polygon is Pentagon.
The name of a 12 sided polygon is Dodecagon.
A twelve sided polygon is called a dodecagon.
Some examples are: 5 sided polygon is a pentagon, 6 sided polygon is an hexagon and an 8 sided polygon is an octagon
It is called a hexagon.
None!!!! A 7-sided polygon is named 'HEPTAGON'., However, An 8-sided polygon is named 'OCTAGON'.
If the seven sides are all the same length , then it is a regular polygon. A seven sided polygon is named a 'HEPTAGON'. If the seven sides are regular then it can be named as a ' Regular Heptagon'.
Well, it is all in personal opinion, but the funniest named polygon would be the 'nonagon' (non-uh-gon), which is a nine-sided polygon.
A 38-sided polygon is called a triacontakaioctagon. The naming convention for polygons follows the Greek numerical prefixes for the number of sides, in this case "tri" for 3 and "contakai" for 10, along with the suffix "-gon" for polygon. Therefore, a 38-sided polygon is a triacontakaioctagon.
One billion-sided polygon = GIGAGON