a side with the sides all the same is called a Equilateral triangel.
A 3d parallelogram is called a "Parallelepiped"
Trapezoid is 3D. The shadow of this shape is called Trapezium.
no,the sides of an equalateral triangle have identical measurements whereas the sides of an obtuse triangle has only two identical measurements.
A 12 sided 3D shape is called a dodecahedron.
a side with the sides all the same is called a Equilateral triangel.
Is the triangel kill alot of poeple?
no because an equalateral triangel is equal to all sides and an iscoselise trangel has only 2 equal sides.
im not sure i just saw it on youtube but your able to do it im sure of it
why cant a triangel have 2 right angels
A triangel could be classified as a typographic error. A triangle could be classified as a plane figure.
what is a 3D rhombus called