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it is called a denomenator.

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Q: What is a bottom half of a fraction?
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How can you tell if a fraction is less than a half?

if the number above the bottom number is smaller than half of the bottom number, the fraction is less than half. For example, say the fraction is 3/8, half of the bottom number is 4. 3 is smaller than 4 therefore the fraction is less than half.

What is the name of a fraction where the bottom half is smaller than the top?

improper fraction

The bottom number of a fraction is the?

The bottom half of a vulgar fraction, for example, 1/2 (one half), is called the denominator. The number denominates (designates) the number of parts in the whole.

What are 5 equivalent fractions to one half?

One half = 1/2.Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero integer. You will have an equivalent fraction.One half = 1/2.Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero integer. You will have an equivalent fraction.One half = 1/2.Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero integer. You will have an equivalent fraction.One half = 1/2.Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero integer. You will have an equivalent fraction.

What is the top half of a fraction called?

The numerator. The bottom is called the denominator.

How do you half a fraction with the number 1 on the top?

Multiply the bottom number by 2.

What is a proper fraction?

A proper fraction is when the number on the top is smaller than the number on the bottom like a half or two sixths

How do you find half of a fraction?

Multiply the denominator (bottom number) by 2. Then simplify if necessary.

What does bace mean in math?

In maths the Base refers to the number or letter at the bottom of a fraction.-a fraction is a number that isn't whole and is maybe half or maybe a third of the a numberexample 1.)(we will use " / " as the fraction and the letter or number after the / will be on the bottom of the fraction)2/5 so the 5 is the Base in this fraction because it is at the bottom of the fraction.example 2.)(we will use the / as the fraction again and the letter or number after the / will be the one on the bottom of the fraction.)2/a so a is the Base in this fraction

How can you tell when a fraction is greater than half?

When its numerator (top number) is more than half its denominator (bottom number).

How do you half and double fractions?

To halve a fraction, double the denominator (the bottom number). To double a fraction, double the numerator (the top number).

What fraction are equivalent to one half?

Multiply the numerator (top) by any non-zero number and the denominator (bottom) by the same number. You will have an equivalent fraction.