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A line which intersects another line at an angle between 0 and 180 degrees.

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Q: What is a diagonal bisector?
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What is the definition of a mathematical kite?

a quadrilateral in which diagonal are not congruent and larger diagonal is perpendicular bisector of smaller diagonal then it is known as kite

Which figure does a diagonal always form a angle bisector a rectangle a trapezoid a square or a quadrilateral?

A diagonal always forms an angle bisector in a square. In a rectangle, trapezoid, or any other quadrilateral, a diagonal does not always bisect the angles.

What is the definition of a kite how a kite works?

a quadrilateral in which diagonal are not congruent and larger diagonal is perpendicular bisector of smaller diagonal then it is known as kite -- M.S. Vighe

What is the line called that divides the square in two equal triangle?

A bisector - or diagonal

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The length of the rhombus is equal to the length of the diagonal formed by the bisector of the 2 opposite acute angles.

Proof kite diagonal bisector conjecture?

The diagonals of a kite are perpendicular and therefore bisect each other at 90 degrees

What is a drawn line between 2 vertices which are not next to each other?

i am not quit shure but i think it is a pentigon

A quadrilateral having both diagonals congruent is a?

If both pairs of opposite sides are parallel: A Rectangle, or a Square. If exactly one pair of opposite sides are parallel: An Isosceles Trapezoid. If it does not have parallel sides and one diagonal is the perpendicular bisector of the other: A Kite It is also possible that it does not have any parallel sides and neither diagonal is the perpendicular bisector of the other: A quadrilateral

Why is a kite a quadrilateral?

A quadrilateral in which diagonal are not congruent and only larger diagonal is perpendicular bisector of smaller diagonal then it is known as kite -- Mohan S. Vighe

If a point is equidistant from the two sides of an angle then it is?

on the perpendicular bisector

What is the difference between and angle bisector and a perpendicular bisector?

An angle bisector bisects an angle. A perpendicular bisector bisects a side.

Can a median be an angle bisector and not a perpendicular bisector?
