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Q: What is a figure with identical halves called?
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What is when on half of a figure is a mirror image and of the other half?

When half of a figure is a mirror image of the other half, it is called bilateral symmetry. This means that both halves of the figure are identical when divided along a specific line. Examples of bilateral symmetry can be found in many organisms, such as butterflies and humans.

A line that separates figures into two matching halves is called?

A line of symmetry divides a figure into two matching halves.

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How much lines of symmetry does a hexagon have?

A regular hexagon has six lines of symmetry. Lines of symmetry are imaginary lines where you can fold a figure or image and both halves are identical matches.

What is it called when a figure can be folded in half so that the two halves fit exactly on each other?


What two figures have two or more halves that match exactly?

Any symmetrical figure has two halves that match. By definition, you cannot have more than two halves of a figure.

What kind of symmetry does a seal have?

A seal has bilateral symmetry. This means that if you cut the seal into right and left halves (called a sagittal cut), the two halves will be basically identical to each other. This is the same time of symmetry seen in humans.

What is a solid figure with twenty faces called?

The regular solid, with 20 identical equilateral triangular faces, is called an icosahedron.

What organs are divided in identical halves by the median plane line?

Urinary bladder

If the left and right halves are identical the picture has?

The word you're looking for is.... symmetry.

If one were to cut a flatworm in half, what would be true of the two halves?

They would be identical. -APEX (cheaters] lol

What divides a figure into 2 congruent halves?

a line