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Urinary bladder

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Q: What organs are divided in identical halves by the median plane line?
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What two organs are divided into indentical halves by the median plane line?

urinary bladder and uretus

Body is divided vertically into equal left and right halves?

This is the concept of bilateral symmetry. It means that the body can be divided into two equal halves along a vertical plane, resulting in mirrored halves. Bilateral symmetry is common in many organisms, including humans.

How do identical twins have a full set of organs?

All the cells are divided into two when the egg is still in embryo form, then they completely separate and grow and develop. This is why even with identical twins they are never quite exactly the same as the other even though they share the same genetic coding.

What does allograft mean?

Allograft - Organs from non identical human beings

Is a monkey almost identical to a human?

Monkey's are very similar to humans. They are intelligent, hairier, but they do have the same organs and shape.

What are the main building blocks of tissues and organs.?

Organs are composed of tissues. Tissues are composed of identical cells, which are then made of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids.

Do identical twins have identical brains?

Identical twins do not have identical brains. While they may share some genetic similarities, environmental factors and experiences can lead to differences in their brain structures and functions. Studies have shown that identical twins can exhibit variations in brain development and neurological characteristics.

What is the symmetry of phylum annelida?

-Bilaterally symmetrical and vermiform. -Body has more than two cell layers, tissues and organs. -Body cavity is a true coelom, often divided by internal septa. -Body possesses a through gut with mouth and anus. -Body possesses 3 separate sections, a prosomium, a trunk and a pygidium. -Has a nervous system with an anterior nerve ring, ganglia and a ventral nerve chord. -Has a true closed circulatory system. -Has no true respiratory organs. -Reproduction normally sexual and gonochoristic or hermaphoditic. -Feed a wide range of material. -Live in most environments.

Can flies be externally divided into equal halves like a pie but it has no distinguishable right and left sides?

This is the exact question that I have in my Apologia : Exploring Creation with Biology (Second Edition) And the answer is no. The Orgnism can either be divided into right and left sides that are mirror images or cannot be divided into two equal halves.

In anatomy the body is divided into 4 groups systems organs cells and what?

In anatomy, the body is divided into four main levels of organization: cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. These levels work together to maintain the body's structure and function.

What term is used to described organisms composed of identical and unspecialized?


What do you call twins that joined together?

Twins that are joined together are referred to as conjoined twins. They are identical twins who are connected in some way, often sharing organs or body parts.