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Q: What is a good label for a y axis?
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What is the label on the y-axis of a mass spectrum?

"signal intensity" is the y- axis of a mass spectrum.

What is the x axis label on a graph called?

X axis is horizontal, and The Y axis is vertical.

How do you make a x y graph?

Just label one axis x and the other axis y. Voila!! x y graph!

What is the label for the Y-axis on this graph?


What is the difference between axis label and a label in a bar graph?

axis labels are x and y while bar graph labels explain what the graph is representing.

Which part of the line graph tells the viewer what the height of the line shows?

The label on the y-axis or vertical axis.

What should be labeled on the vertical axis?

On a vertical axis you should label it the "y-axis". Then make sure to put the numbers needed on the line! :)

In a line graph which is the independent variable and which is the dependent variable?

The independent variable is plotted on the horizontal axis, or x axis. The dependent variable, or response variable is plotted on the vertical axis, or y axis.

When making a graph of acceleration what do you label the y and x axis?

On a graph of acceleration, you would typically label the y-axis as "Acceleration (m/s^2)" and the x-axis as "Time (s)." This allows you to visually represent how acceleration changes with respect to time.

What is axis label in graph?

x= horizontal(flat) y=vertical(up and down)

Which variables should be on the x-axis and which shoukd be on the y-axis?

Normally the vertical y-axis is considered the dependent variable and the horizontal x-axis the independent variable. ie the variable plotted up the y-axis depends upon the variable plotted along the x-axis.

Why start on the horizontal axis?

We start on the horizontal axis because of tradition. You would get the same results if you started on the vertical axis, as long as you continue to label the horizontal axis as the x-axis and the vertical axis as the y-axis.