

Best Answer

A square, a rhombus, a rectangle and a parallelogram will all fit the given description.

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Q: What is a polygon with two pairs of parallel opposite sides?
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What is a four-sided polygon with opposite sides parallel?

A four-sided polygon with opposite sides parallel could be a square, a rectangle, or a rhombus.If it has one pair of opposite, parallel sides, then it is a trapezoid. If it has two pairs of opposite, parallel sides, then it is a parallelogram.

Does a polygon have two pairs of parallel sides?

Not all polygon have two pairs of parallel sides. For example, a square will, but not a triangle.

Any polygon with two pairs of parallel opposite sides is a parallelogram?

could be a rhombus and a square and a rectangle.

How many pairs of parallel sides does a rhombus have?

2There are two parallel sides....A rhombus has two pairs of opposite parallel sides.There are two parallel sides....A rhombus has two pairs of opposite parallel sides.

What is a polygon that has 2 pairs of parallel sides and no right angles?

A parallelogram has 2 pairs of parallel sides.

How many pairs of opposite parallel sides does a parallelogram have?

A parallelogram has two pairs of opposite parallel sides (for a total of four sides).

What is a polygon with four sides and no pairs of parallel sides?


How many parallel sides does a parrallelogram has?

A parallelogram has two pairs of parallel sides.

What has two pairs of opposite sides parallel?

A Parallelogram has 2 pairs of opposing sides that are parallel.

How many pairs parallel sides are in a parallelogram?

Two pairs of opposite sides are parallel in a parallelogram

How many pairs of parallel sides are in a parallelagram?

A parallelogram has two pairs of opposite parallel sides

What is a four-sided polygon with opposite sides parallel and all sides congruent?

A four-sided polygon with opposite sides parallel and all sides congruent is a square.