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that's theoretical a hyper shape

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Q: What is a protein that has unfolds and loses its 3 dimensional shape?
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What gives a protein molecule its three-dimensional shape?

The amino acid gives the protein it's 3-dimensional shape

What is the 3 dimensional shape of a protein?

Tertiary Structure.....:)

What determines the three dimensional shape of an enzyme?

The order of amino acids for each protein determines its final three-dimensional shape

What is it called when there is a change in the three-dimensional shape of a protein?

It is called "Denaturing" of proteins.

What is the level of protein organization that provides it with a three dimensional shape?

Tertiary Structure.

What forces and bonds maintain the three dimensional folded shape of a protein molecule?

hydrogen bonds

what is a biomolecular structure?

Biomolecular structure is the intricate folded, three-dimensional shape that is formed by a molecule of protein, DNA, or RNA, and that is important to its function.

How does the denaturizing of a protein make it unable to do its job?

Denaturing a protein will change the three dimensional shape of the protein. Proteins have very specific shape that allow them to interact with their surrounding. Think about melting (denaturing) a key. It will no longer work in the lock (surroundings)

The disruption of a protein's three-dimensional shape is called?


Why is protein hemoglobin different from protein insulin?

They are two different proteins, like the difference between a train and a robot. The difference between one protein and the other is the amino acid sequence that comprises that protein and the molecular bonding that determines its shape. Shape determines function in a protein. If it loses its shape it can't do its job. The shape of insulin and hemoglobin is different so insulin binds with glucose and hemoglobin binds with oxygen.

What is the term used for a change in a protein's three dimensional shape or confirmation due to disruption oh hydrogen bonds disulfide bridges or ionic bonds?

The change in a proteins' three dimensional shape or conformation is called denaturation.

Is there such thing as a one dimensional shape?

A 1 dimensional shape is a line.