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Q: What is a shape with 100 sides?
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a shape with 100 sides

What do you call a shape with 100 sides?

A shape with 100 sides is called a hecatontagon. The prefix "hecto-" means 100 in Greek, so a hecatontagon is a polygon with 100 sides. It is a regular polygon, meaning all its sides are of equal length and all its angles are equal.

What is name of a 100 sided shape?

100 sides will be a hectogon or hecatontagon

What is the name of a shape that has 100 sides?

I do belive its called a quinterron.quinterron

What 2d shape has 100 sides?

It is a just called a 100-gon. There isn't any fancy name for it.

What shape is called that has 100 sides?

Hectogon, although most mathematicians would call it a "100-gon."

What is the name of a 100 sided shape?

Centigon would have to be the name of a shape with 100 sides. There is no official name but you would use the prefix of the number, which in this case is "centi-".

Is there a shape called googlegon?

Yes, there is a shape called the googlegon, and it has googol plex sides. that's a 1 with 100 zero's after it

What is the name of the triangle with 100 sides?

By definition, there is no such thing as a triangle with 100 sides. A triangle has exactly three (straight) sides; no more and no less. Having three sides means that the shape also has three internal angles and this explains the name.

Shape with 100 sides?

Most mathematicians use "100-gon." If you want to show off, use hectogon or centagon.

What is a 14 shape called?

hi or as it's well known shape with 14 sides called, it's called a fourteen-gon. Any number after decagon, which has ten sides, has the number and then -gon after. For example: A shape with 100 sides is called a one-hundred-gon. Of course, you wouldn't draw 100, sides though. If you looked at it from a distance it would just look like a circle. ;P

Which has more vertices a shape with 6 sides of a shape with 7 sides?

A shape with 7 sides.