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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Square, Rectangle,

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Q: What is a shape with four sides?
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What is a four sided shape with sides that are parallel?

A rectangle is a shape that has four sides with two parallel lines.

Which has more vertices a shape with 4sides or a shape with 3 sides?

A shape with four sides has four vertices and a shape with three sides has three vertices, so a shape with four sides has more vertices than a shape with three sides.

What is a shape which has four sides called?

A shape with four sides is called a quadrilateral.

A shape with 4 sides and three vertices?

A shape with four sides and three vertices does not exist in Euclidean geometry. In Euclidean geometry, a shape must have the same number of sides as vertices. Therefore, a shape with four sides would have four vertices.

What is the shape with four unequal sides called?

The general name for a plane shape with four sides is a quadrilateral.

What do they call a shape that has 4 sides?

as shape with four sides is generally a squre but a group of shapes with four sides are called quadrelaterals

What shape has four sides and is a 3d shape?


What is a shape with four sides that is four letters?


What shape has two sides that have parallel sides?

A parallelogram is an quadrilateral (a figure with four edges and four vertices) with two sets of parallel sides. A trapezoid, also known as a trapezium, is a shape with four sides with a pair of parallel sides.

What has four sides and four internal angles?

A shape with four sides and four internal angles is called a quadrilateral.

What is a quadrangle shape?

A quadrangle is a shape that has four right angles. It is also consider a parallelogram due to its four sides. Just think of a quadrangle as a square but different.

A shape with four sides?
