Unit of Measure
- Angles are measured in degrees or radians. A degree represents 1/360 of a circle. Each degree is subdivided into 60 minutes. And each minute has 60 seconds. The basic tools used to measure angles are a protractor, compass and set square.
- The protractor is a semi-circular instrument with the degrees marked from 0 to 180. There are two sets of markings; the inner scale goes from right to left and the outer scale from left to right.
- A compass is a hinged set of arms. One arm has a pointed end and the other holds a pencil. The compass is used to measure and construct angles.
Set Square and Sextant
- Set squares are of two kinds--the 90-45-45 degree angle and the 30-60-90 degree angle. They are measuring tools used in drafting and engineering. A sextant is an ancient navigating tool.
It is a protractor that measures angles.
An angle ruler is a tool used to measuring angles like a protractor. An angle ruler is more accurate than a protractor.
This is called a set square.
use a protractor to measure angles
Angles are used in sports because in every single sport requires something that uses a angle.
Measuring cylinders are commonly used to measure volume, with 1cm3 being the equal to 1ml.
It is a protractor that measures angles.
A protractor is the common tool used in mathematics for measuring and drawing angles.
360 divided by 5: 72
Measuring cylinders are commonly used to measure volume, with 1cm3 being the equal to 1ml.
An acute angle measures 87 degrees
tape mesure
You need to use a themometter
A protractor
Exterior angles of a 6 sided hexagon add up to 360 degrees and its interior angles add up to 720 degrees.
A thermometer is a tool used to measure temperature. There are various types of thermometers, such as digital, infrared, and mercury thermometers, that can measure temperature in different ways depending on the application.
A protractor (not potractor) is a tool used to measure angles in mathematics.