An angle ruler is a tool used to measuring angles like a protractor. An angle ruler is more accurate than a protractor.
u get a ruler and rule a line
It is possible to construct a 20 degree angle using only Ruler and Compass. I happened to stumble across a method that is highly accurate. It is posted on my blog. Check the related link
Use a ruler to make a right angle triangle of dimension 3,4,5 the angle adjacent to the side of 4 units length is 30 degrees.
First draw a 90 degree angle .Than draw a 20 degree angle from that 90 degree angle . Than the rest of the angle will be 90-20=70 .Now bisect the 70 degree angle we will get 70/2=35. Now add the rest of the angle means 35+20 =55 GOT 55 DEGREE ANGLE
You cannot measure an angle using a ruler.
well an angle ruler is used to measure the interior angles of a shape or an agle period
create a 'v' parralel to the 'v' of your angle using the width of your ruler, join the two apexes and continue the line to biscect the angle.
A ruler
by using a ruler
Hold a ruler level, then slope the ruler to an angle of 45 degrees. The inclination of the ruler is now 45 degrees. So if rock has been altered as to be unlevel, then the angle from the level is the rock beds inclination.
to construct an angle of 20 degrees all you have to do is to trisect an angle of 60degrees
larger underwater
u get a ruler and rule a line
u get a ruler and rule a line
use a protractor and a ruler