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The area of a rectangle is equal to its length times its width. So any two rectangles for which these dimensions have the same product, the area is the same. For example, a rectangle that is two meters wide and three meters long and one that is one meter wide and six meters long will both have an area of six square meters.

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Q: What is an example of two rectangles having the same area but different dimensions?
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What are the dimensions for all rectangels having the same perimeter?

For any perimeter, there are an infinite number of different rectangles with different dimensions that all have the same perimeter. Time and space limitations do not permit us to load a complete list here. For example, if the perimeter is 20, the dimensions could be 1 x 9 1.5 x 8.5 2 x 8 2.5 x 7.5 3 x 7 3.5 x 6.4 4 x 6 4.5 x 5.5 5 x 5 and an infinite number of other possibilities.

Are some rectangles similar?

no some rectangles cannot be similar. a rectangle is a shape with 2 = sides and then 2 more different = sides. it is impossible because if 2 rectangles were similar than that would not be a rectangle. similar means having corresponding sides no it is not possible

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Rectangles are not squares. The reason to this is because squares must have sides of equal lengths. Rectangles are quadrilaterals with sides that join to make 90 degree angles, but are not restricted to having the same length. Therefore "all squares are rectangles", but rectangles cannot be squares.

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The best thing to do is break the shape down into much simpler areas by forming rectangles and triangles within the polygon. You would likely need to know the overall height and the angles of the polygon to get all the dimensions you're looking for, though.

Are there other dimensioons?

It all depends what you mean by dimensions - for example in geometry a point is said to have zero dimension a figure having length, such as a line has one dimension a plane or surface has two dimensions a figure having volume has three dimensions the fourth dimension is said to be time any other dimension can not be represented visually but may be dealt with mathematically

Can time be split?

time is irrelevant it stretches through all 11 theoretical dimensions all having different properties in each

How do you you use dimensions in a sentence?

1 The dimensions of a house are very easy to calculate 2 It was a complicated situation having many dimensions.

How many different rectangles having an area of 81 square centimeters can you draw if the length and width have an integral value?

They can be: 1 by 81, 3 by 27 and 9 by 9 as integers in cm

How many rectangles each having a perimeter of 36 cm can be drawn?

Depends what you are drawing on.

What is the difference between a two-dimensional and a three-dimensional figure?

2 dimensions is having only the dimensions of height and width, like a square. 3 dimensions is having height, width and depth, like a cube.

Why a solid have three dimensions?

Because a solid is an object having breadth, width and depth which are its 3 dimensions.

What is always true about rectangules?

Rectangles are always 4 sided quadrilaterals having 4 interior right angles of 90 degrees and two pairs of opposite parallel lines of different lengths