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It is 58.4 degrees.

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Q: What is angle of the noon sun at latitude 35 degrees N on Dec 212017?
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How tall is a tree that casts a 48 ft shadow?

No way of telling, it depends on the angle of the sun.Any height.When the Sun is low, in the morning or evening close to the horizon, even a short object will cast a long shadow. When the Sun is directly overhead (at noon between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer) objects cast no shadow.If you tell us your location and the time you are measuring then there would be a possibility of calculating an answer.At noon on one of the equinoxes in Montpelier VT (or anywhere at the latitude of 45 degrees north or 45 degrees south) a 48 foot tall tree will cast a 48 foot shadow.

What is the angle between the two hands of a clock when the time is 3 hours 40 minutes 20 seconds?

This problem can be solved as follows: The angle Ah of the hour hand of a clock, measured from the position at noon or midnight when the hour and minute hands exactly coincide, is Ah = (360 degrees/12 hours)th, where th is the time in hours, including fractions of hours, because the hour hand moves the entire 360 degrees around the clock in 12 hours. Similarly, the angle Am of the minute hand = (360 degrees/60 minutes)tm, where tm is the time in minutes only, including fractions of minutes. The stated time is 3 + 40/60 + 20/3600 hours = 3.672222... hours and the angle is therefore about 110. 11666666... degrees, using the formula above. The time in minutes only is 40 + 20/60 = 40.33333...., so that the angle of the minute hand is 242 degrees. The difference between them is therefore about 131.833..... degrees, or in fraction form 131 and 5/6.

How many times Hour Hand and Minute Hand will make angle Zero in 12 hours time?

It should be 12 times if you assume that the hour & minute hand line up exactly on top of each other, which would make an angle of zero. Which in a 12 hour period would occur at following times: Noon or Midnight 1:05 2:10 3:15 4:20 5:25 6:30 7:35 8:40 9:45 10:50 11:55

What is the GMT differential of MST?

Mountain standard time is seven hours before Greenwich Mean Time.\ If it's seven o'clock in London then it's noon in Denver.

What are the names of the different times of day?

Dawn, dusk, noon, afternoon, twilight, midnight, sunrise, sunset, morning (sometimes referred to as morn), and night. Need any more?

Related questions

How many degrees did the angle of noon?

Noon is when the sun is overhead or at its zenith for whichever part of the world you are on. The angle would depend on the time of year and your latitude.

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What is the summer sun angle in Houston?

The steepest sun angle reached in Houston, TX is on June 21 during solar noon. That angle is 83.7 degrees (almost straight up). Vertical objects will have the shortest shadows on June 21. To find the solar noon sun angle on the summer/winter solstice and spring/fall equinox for your location, simply find your latitude and subtract it from 90. Then add 23.45. Houston's latitude is 29.75 degrees north of the equator. So... 90-29.75=60.25 60.25+23.45=83.7 degree sun angle

How many degrees latitude will the sun be at noon during Fall Equinox 2008?

At the equinox, the Sun will be directly above the equator, 0 degrees latitude.

What is the vertical angle at solar noon?

33 degrees perpendicular to the horizon

What time is the sun's angle 63.9?

We can't figure that out from the information provided. The only thing we can say for certain is that your latitude is no greater than 40.4 degrees north or south. If that's your latitude, then this can only happen at Local Apparent Noon, when the Sun is highest in the sky.

What is the lowest the sun can ever be in the sky at local noon at latitude 6 degrees 34 minutes north?

The lowest the sun can ever be in the sky at local noon at latitude 6 degrees 34 minutes north is approximately 145 million kilometres.

From latitude 35 what is the highest altitude above the noon sun?

For an observer at latitude 35 degrees, the highest the sun can ever be in his sky is roughly 31.5 degrees above the horizon.

What latitude for Arnold is the sun directly overhead at noon on the equinox and solstice?

There is no latitude on earth at which the sun would be directly overhead at noon on the equinox and the solstice.

What latitude is the Sun directly overhead at noon on Halloween?

The Sun is directly overhead the same latitude at noon every day. It is over the equator at 0 degrees. Just because it is Halloween doesn't change anything.

Which latitude would you expect the sun to be directly overhead at noon on April 21?

8 degrees north

At what latitude is the noon sun at zenith?

That may happen - at different times of the year - in any latitude between the tropics - that is, between 23.5 degrees north, and 23.5 degrees south. Note that this angle is precisely the tilt of Earth's axis.