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the answer is translation, i had to know the answer to that question for a worksheet

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Q: What is moving every point a constant distance in a specified direction or addition of a constant vector to every point?
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What moves points a specified distance along a line parallel to a specified line?

Suppose the specified line has gradient m. Also suppose the specified distance is d.Then x = sqrt[d2/(1 + m2)] and y = m*x.A translation, by a distance x in the horizontal direction and y=mx in the vertical direction will move the point by the specified distance in the direction of the specified line.

What is the distance traveled by an object divided by the time in which the distance was traveled without identifying the direction traveled?

Speed describes the distance traveled by an object divided by the time in which the distance was traveled, if the direction is not specified.

What is the magnitude of the force on an electron at a distance 969 mm from the center of the capacitor along the direction normal to the plates of the capacitor?

You've specified a distance, but no force. Any answer is correct without a force specified.

What is the velocity if the distance is 700000 miles at a speed of 250000?

If the direction of motion is constant then the velocity is the same as the speed in that direction. If the direction is not constant, the information given is nowhere near sufficient to calculate the velocity.

How do you measure constant velocity?

Constant velocity is, well, constant. To measure it, measure the displacement through a given or fixed period of time. You'll have distance and time. Distance per unit time is speed. Distance per unit time (speed) with a direction vector is velocity. Velocity is speed in a given direction. If something is moving at constant velocity, it is moving at a constant speed in one direction. No changes in speed (no positive or negative acceleration, or, said another way, no acceleration at all), and no change in direction or heading.

What is the distance an objects moves divided by the time it took to move that distance?

This describes the average speed. If there is a direction specified that the distance has moved, then it will be a vector, and called average velocity.

What formula do you use to determine the amount of work on an object?

Assuming that force and distance are in the same direction, and the force is constant, you multiply the force times the distance over which the force acts. If they are not in the same direction, you take the dot product. If the force is not constant, you use an integral.

What happens when the distance is kept constant and the force changes?

There will be a change in the area/volume, depending on the direction of the force applied.

What is the property of an object that travels the same distance each second?

Such an object is said to travel at a constant speed. If it doesn't change direction, it is also said to travel at constant velocity.

What is the use for a distance time graph?

You graph showing how far you travel in that time. If it's a constant speed, it keeps a constant top right direction, when stopped, it goes flat

What are units of measure for force speed direction time velocity and distance?

Force: newton Speed: meters/second Direction: An angular unit would usually be used here - either degrees or radians Time: Second Velocity: Same as speed (but a direction must also be specified) Distance: meter

How many kilometers can you drive in an hour?

Assuming you're driving in a constant direction, then whatever your speed/velocity is in km/hr is your distance