Negative space is the space where something can be seen that was not necessarily created. These are added effects in paintings for example.
No, area cannot be negative. The least amount of area you can have is zero.
materials that have a separated positive and negative areas are called Polarmaterials that doesnt have no separated positive or negative is called Nonpolar
No, because to have a negative area means to have less than zero area.
The sides of a triangle are its lengths are cannot be negative. However, you could place a triangle on coordinate system and some points where the vertices are could be negative numbers.
No, negative three is smaller than negative two.
The negative space is the white space around the vase. The vase is the positive space.
Negative space is dark energy and dark matter.
The negative space in the painting is the space automatically creates from the sky in the background.
Positive space and negative space
Area is actually called space. So it is negative and positive space. Positive space is the space that is taken by the objects. Negative space is everything else. You have probably seen the picture of two silhouette profiles of a face which look at each other. In the middle of the two faces you can see a vase shape. This is an illusion where negative and positive space flip back and forth in the viewers eye. If you are looking at the faces, the vase is considered the negative space. If you are looking at the vase, the faces become the negative space. Artists carefully consider the use of negative space and try to make the negative space as interesting as the positive space. You rarely see tiny objects in the middle of a huge canvas. It leaves too much negative space. Sometimes as an artist draws, he checks out the negative space as well as the positive to make sure he is rendering the objects correctly.
Negative Space - 2009 SUSPENDED was released on: USA: 2009
The space between the main parts of a painting is called negative space. Negative space refers to the area around and between the subject(s) of a painting, which helps define and emphasize the main elements of the composition.
The term negative space defines the unused space in and around a work of art.
Positive space and negative space
Negative space is also known as white space. It refers to the empty or unmarked space around or between the main subjects or elements in a design or composition.
Positive shapes are the shapes of objects in space (such as a cup or a chair)The negative space is the space around the cup or chair.The balance between positive and negative space may be manipulated by cropping the subject matter or sizing of the object into a given space.
Negative Space