Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the math questions now? Alright, alright, let me dust off my old calculator... Pi plus pi equals 2pi. It's like adding two delicious slices of pie together to get a whole new pie, except this one's a mathematical concept, not a tasty dessert.
pi+pi is 6.28. all that you have to do is add up the numbers.
-fromama fromamzez.webs.com
(pi times radius squared) plus (pi times radius times slant).
Entire surface area of a cone: pi*radius^2 plus pi*radius*slant length
[2 pi times (the radius squared)] plus [(2 pi times the radius) times the height] the parentheses are according to the order of operations
the volume of a cylinder is (pi)r squared times the height, same as a circle but plus the height so the answer here would be ((pi) x 1) squared x 5. or 5 pi squared
Area = pi * (radius^2) Where (radius^2) is radius squared, or radius to the second power. do some algebraic steps: Area / pi = radius^2 radius^2 = Area / pi square root (radius^2) = square root (Area / pi) radius = (plus or minus) square root (Area / pi) If you are not working with imaginary numbers then radius = square root (Area / pi)
About 20.29791
Pi plus 86 equals 89.14
(pi + pi + pi) = 3 pi = roughly 9.4248 (rounded) Well, if you use the common shortened version of pi which is 3.14 and add that 3 times, you get 9.42.
the same as pi squared, which is 9.86960440109
It is irrational, just like pi
19.7392088 is also = to pi for instince infinaty=pi = never tnding so the formlea infinity=pi.
3 + pi =3πor6.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229489549303819644288109756659334461284756482337867831652712019091456485669234603....
If we have 2 x 4 + pi, we'll have 8 + pi, or about 11.1416 for an answer.