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"Pi" is a mathematical term for 3.1415926460.. but used as 3.14 to find either the area,circumference,or perimeter of a circle.....

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Q: What is pi stand for?
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What does the abbreviation "PI" stand for in research?

In research, the abbreviation "PI" stands for Principal Investigator.

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In research, the acronym "PI" stands for Principal Investigator.

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What does the pi symbol stand for?

it is a number 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288... it's just a lot of numbers after that

What does the abbreviation "PI" stand for in research projects?

In research projects, the abbreviation "PI" stands for Principal Investigator.

What does the abbreviation pi stand for?

pi is not an abbreviation. It is a letter of the Greek alphabet symbol that symbolises one particular ratio.

Does 3.14 stand for circumference?

3.14 is the approximate value of pi. Multiply the diameter of a circle by pi to get its circumference; multiply the square of the radius of a circle by pi to get its area.

What does the keyword "pi" stand for in the context of mathematics?

In mathematics, the keyword "pi" represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, which is approximately 3.14159.

What does pi mean or stand for in geometry?

The ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle. (3.14159265358979323846264338327950288...)

What does the fraternity letters Pi Kappa Alpha stand for?

Protect King Arthur

What does the keyword "pi" stand for in research?

In research, the keyword "pi" typically stands for the mathematical constant representing the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, which is approximately 3.14159.

What does pi nu pi stand for?

The secret of Kappa Alpha Psi: Fraternity, Knowledge, Fidelity. The words are actually written at the bottom of their shield. Not too smart, eh?