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Q: What is pi to the power of 100?
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What is pi to the 5th power?

Pi to the 5th power is approximately 306.019684785

What is pi squared to the one half power?

it is pi..... wait no it isnt.....pi squared to the one half power is not pi...

What is the ratio of 100 pi?

It is 100*pi : 1 or approx 314.159:1

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What is the circumference of a 100 foot radius in terms of pi?

circumference = 2*pi*100

What is the value of pi to 100?

Here are the first 100 digits in Pi.3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679Thank y'all for reading

What is the approximate radius of a circle with an area of 100 cm squared?

Area = pi*r2 = 100 so r2 = 100/pi and therefore, r = sqrt(100/pi) = 10/√pi = 5.64 cm

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What is the antiderivative of x raised to the pi power?


What would be the area of the largest polygon that can be inscribe in a circle whose area is 100 pi?

You can get as close to 100*pi as you like. As you increase the number of sides, the limiting value of the area of the polygon is 100*pi.

If the circumference of a circle is twenty pi then what is its area?

C=2*Pi*r = 20*Pi r=10 A=Pi*r2=Pi*102=100*Pi

If a maximum acceleration is 1G for a pure sin wave at 50Hz what is the velocity and displacement?

Y = A sin(100 pi t)Velocity = y' = 100 pi A cos (100 pi t)Acceleration = V' = y'' = -10,000 pi2 A sin(100 pi t) = 9.8 m/sec2Max acceleration = 10,000 pi2 A = 9.8 m/sec2Max Displacement = Amplitude = 9.8 / (10,000 pi2) = 0.0000993 = 0.0993 millimeterMax Velocity = 100 pi A = 9.8 / (100 pi) = 0.0312 = 3.12 centimeter/second