The anti-derivative of any constant c, is just c*x. Thus, the antiderivative of pi is pi*x. We can verify this by taking the derivative of pi*x, which gives us pi.
By antiderivative do you mean integral? If yes, integral x^1 dx= (x^2)/2
Powers of e are simple to integrate. The derivative of eu equals u'eu; inversely, the antiderivative of eu equals eu/u'. Therefore, the antiderivative of e1/-x equals (e1/-x)/{d/dx[1/-x]}. The derivative of 1/-x, which can also be expressed as x-1, equals (-1)x(-1-1) = -x-2 = -1/x2.
(that weird integral or antiderivative sign) x^(-6/5) dx =-5*x^(-1/5)
The general formula for powers doesn't work in this case, because there will be a zero in the denominator. The antiderivative of 1/x is ln(x), that is, the natural logarithm of x.
The anti-derivative of any constant c, is just c*x. Thus, the antiderivative of pi is pi*x. We can verify this by taking the derivative of pi*x, which gives us pi.
mass of proton is 6 x pi raised to power 5 times mass of electron
y=x^pid/dx=pi*(x^pi-1)This is true because of power rule.d/dx (x^a)=a(x^(a-1))
The integral would be 10e(1/10)x+c
The antiderivative, or indefinite integral, of ex, is ex + C.
Antiderivative of x/-1 = -1(x^2)/2 + C = (-1/2)(x^2) + C Wolfram says antiderivative of x^-1 is log(x) + C
By antiderivative do you mean integral? If yes, integral x^1 dx= (x^2)/2
Powers of e are simple to integrate. The derivative of eu equals u'eu; inversely, the antiderivative of eu equals eu/u'. Therefore, the antiderivative of e1/-x equals (e1/-x)/{d/dx[1/-x]}. The derivative of 1/-x, which can also be expressed as x-1, equals (-1)x(-1-1) = -x-2 = -1/x2.
(that weird integral or antiderivative sign) x^(-6/5) dx =-5*x^(-1/5)
-e-x + C.
It is -exp (-x) + C.
If the term is -x, the integral expression is simply -∫x. By undoing the power rule, we get -(1/2)x^2+C, an arbitrary constant.