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Let's assume that when you say "pi" you are talking about that famous mathematical constant---the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

You ask, "what is it used to measure?" It's not clear to me what you mean by that. Pi is used in an awful lot of mathematical formulas and procedures. My guess is that you're probably asking about something you recently learned in class (i.e., your teacher has given you a homework question that you don't understand.) When that happens, the best thing to do is to ask the teacher if you can. If not, try asking somebody else in the class. If none of your classmates understand it either, then your teacher isn't doing a very good job of teaching you. You all should get together and as him (or her), and if your teacher still doesn't have time for you, then you should complain to the principal.

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Q: What is pi used to measure?
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Pi is not a size. Pi is usually 22/7. Sometimes also 3,14. Pi is used to measure area and circumference of a circle, and the volume of sphere / tube. If there is no pi, then the area and circumference of circle, and the volume of sphere / tube will not be counted.

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1 rad = 180°/pi Example: 1.6 rad = 1.6(180°/pi) 1.6 rad = 2880°/pi

How do you measure the circumfurance of a circle?

circumference = 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi

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What does PI measure?

Pi is a series of unending decimals after a 3. The first one hundred digits of pi are: 3.14159265358979323846264338327590288419716939937510582097494459230781 64062862989986280348253421170679

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Convert from radian measure to degree measure?

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