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A scalene triangle has 3 different sides and 3 different angles that add up to 180 degrees but normally a right angle triangle is different to a scalene triangle because it has its own special properties.

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Q: What is right angled scalene triangle?
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A scalene triangle can also be an what triangle?

a scalene can be a right-angled triangle or a obtuse angled triangle or a acute angled triangle depending on the angles of the triangle.

Can you have a right scalene triangle?

There is only one right angled triangle which is not scalene: 45/45/90.

Can a scalene triangle also be a right-angled triangle?


What are the six kinds of triangle?

acute angled triangle,right angled triangle,obtuse angled triangle,isosceles triangle,equilateral triangle, scalene triangle

Can scalene triangle be right angled?

No, but a isosceles triangle can be a right angle triangle if it has a 90 degrees angle and two 45 degrees angles.

True or false A right triangle can be scalene?

True. Only 45/45/90 is not a scalene right angled triangle.

Can a right angle be scalene?

Only 45/45/90 is not a scalene right angled triangle

What is the name of the triangle with no lines of symmetry and no right angles?

A scalene triangle that is not right angled.

What are all the names to name a Triangle?

They are:equilateralacute angled isoscelesacute angle scaleneright angled isoscelesright angle scaleneobtuse angled isoscelesobtuse angle scalene.

What is the six kinds of triangle?

A scalene triangle, an equilateral triangle, an isosceles triangle and a right-angle triangle, acute-angled triangle, obtuse-angled triangle

Can you show me a non right angled scalene triangle?

yes, just type scalene triangle in Google Image search.

Can you draw a scalene right triangle?

One simple word. YES. Answer 2: A scalene triangle is just one with unequal length sides - the classic 3,4,5 Right Angled Triangle (Pythag) is scalene.