six times six times six. Six times Six is 36. 36 times 6 is 216. 216
Six cubed means six to the third power or 6 x 6 x 6. That would be 216.
1 cubed = 13 = 1x1x1 = 1 2 cubed = 23 = 2x2x2 = 8 3 cubed = 33 = 3x3x3 = 27 4 cubed = 43 = 4x4x4 = 64 5 cubed = 53 = 5x5x5 = 125
15 cubed = 3,375
squared is 49. Cubed is 343.
six cubed is 63
316 is the standard form of six cubed if exponential form the answer is 6³
Six cubed means six to the third power or 6 x 6 x 6. That would be 216.
6 cubed = 63
216 (6*6*6)
6^3 (six cubed or six to the third power.)
It is an expression: x3-6