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Q: What is x cubed divided by x squared plus six?
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(a - 2)(a^2 + 6)

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( 6x2 / y ) × ( y3 / 12x4) = 6x2y3 / 12x4y = y2 / 2x2

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(12x2 + 18) / (3x2 + 6) = (4x2 + 6) / (x2 + 2)

How do you factor x cubed minus x squared plus x minus six?

(x - 2)(x^2 + x + 3)

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x(x - 25)(x - 25)

What is the product of four x squared minus one over two x squared minus five x minus three and x squared minus six x plus nine over two x squared plus five x minus three?

By factoring I get x-3 divided by x+3

What is the answer to the problem X cubed plus six x squared plus three x plus one divided by x minus two?

Your answer will depend on the parameters of the instructions. If you're looking for the first derivative, simply use the product rule by changing the denominator to a negative exponent and bringing it up (take the negative square root of the quantity x-2 to the top). Then, follow the rules of calculus and algebra. Wow, that's a mess. Let's see... you get "the quantity x cubed plus 6x squared plus 3x plus 1 times the quantity -1(x-2) raised to the negative second plus the quantity x-2 raised to the negative first times the quantity 3x squared plus 12x plus 3." This is because of the Product Rule. Simplifying (by factoring out (x-2) raised to the negative second and combining like terms) gives us "(x-2) raised to the negative second times the quantity 2x cubed minus 24x minus 7." This can also be written as "2x cubed minus 24x minus 7 all over the quantity x-2 squared." f'(x)= 2x^3-24x-7 (x-2)^2

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It is 1.

What is six cubed in exponent form?

six cubed is 63

What is n squared plus thirty two if n is six hundred plus eighty times ninety two cubed?

This question is ambiguous without knowing the associations between the clauses. For example, "if n is six hundred plus eighty times ninety two cubed" can mean: n = 600 + (80 x 92^3) n = (600 + 80) x 92^3 n = 600 + (80 x 92)^3 among other interpretations. Therefore, it is not possible to answer this question.

How would you factor x squared plus five x plus six?

(x + 2)(x + 3)