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A straight edge is basically another name for a ruler, or it could be anything that makes straight lines.

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Q: What is straight edge in math terms?
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What is straight edge in math?

A Ruler

What is the difference between a math straight edge and a math ruler?

A ruler has markings, a straight edge does not. In "straight edge and compass" constructions, you are not allowed to mark the straight edge. Things that are impossible using only a straight edge and compass are possible if markings are allowed (for example, it's possible to trisect an angle using a marked straight edge).

What is a math straight edge?

Generally a ruler is a straight edge, but it can be anything... I generally just use a spare pencil.

What is an edge in math?

An edge is a straight line as part of a polygon. It can also be the straight line joining two faces of a solid which has polygonal faces.

What is a instrument used to construct straight lines in math?

A straight edge or a ruler are used to construct straight lines.

What is circumference in math terms?

The line round the edge of the circle.

What is straight in math terms?

An angle whose measure is exactly 180° - a straight line

Whats a radius in math?

The length of a straight line from the centre of a circle to the edge of the circle.

Is straight edge a gang?

No. But there are straight edge "groups" that are a lot like gangs. But no, straight edge itself is not a gang, and a straight edge person is not a gang member.

What does a ray look like in math?

A ray in math begins as a point (or dot, in laymans terms) with a straight arrow coming from it.

Math what information is needed to draw a straight line?

2 points. However, the farther apart the 2 points the striaghter the line will be, unless you move the straight edge!!.

What is a straight edge used for?

A straight edge is used for making perfectly straight lines when drawing. The straight edge is placed on the paper and you use the edge to draw against.