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student quality circle is the group of 4 to 10 member

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Q: What is student quality circle?
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If students are in a circle and evenly spaced and the third student is directly opposite of the tenth student how many students are in the circle?


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Objective of quality circle?

The objective of quality circle is to bring about improvement in quality of a product or service by forming groups and using the ideas and thoughts of the group

What are the disadvantages of quality circles in an organization?

The disadvantage of quality circles in an organization has to do with management. The quality circle can come up with good ideas and management will fail to implement them. This is a bigger slap in the face than not having a quality circle in the first place. It is doing work to improve the organization only to see it shot down. Management sees the quality circle as a tool to get the members of the quality circle to figure out how they can improve their own work. The members of the quality circle see the circle as a tool see what they need so the company can become more effective. The two goals are at odds.

Why use quality circle?

because you have to

The most important quality for a student of history to possess is what?

The most important quality for a student of history is a thirst for knowledge; to have a strong desire to know why, when, where, who, and how. I know this for a fact because I am a lifelong student of history.

Which are the companies practicing quality circle?

this dick

A number of students are evenly spaced around a circle the fourth student is directly opposite the tenth student how many students are in the circle?

Just like a clock face: 12 students.

Several students from Boxerville Middle School stood in a circle evenly spaced to play a game If the 6th student was directly across from the 13th student how many students were in the circle?


What is a quality student?

A quality student is someone who is : inquisitive, conscientous, attentive, and respectful. They have to be willing to become better and to set goals and work for them. They have to seek improvement and work hard.

If there are 18 students standing in a perfectly even circle Which student is directly opposite student number 1?

Student #10 is directly across from student #1. In order to evenly pair the sides of the circle, there must be 9 students in each hemicircle, across from the other 9, who will each have a number 9 higher. Student 10 is the first student of the second 9, numbers 10 through 18.

What are the questionnaire include for the project on quality circles?

I want to see the questionare after giving training on quality circle